Focus Groups & Interviews
Focus groups and interviews provide critical, direct end-user input regarding clinical needs and preferences. Health Research International�s more than 30 years of experience can support you through the process, optimizing the quality and quantity of information obtained. Our standard methodology encompasses:
- Initial consultation with clinical and technical experts to ensure a solid understanding of the area being studied.
- Antiseptic recruitment of participants according to specific practice and personal characteristics, i.e., we do not use the same physician panels for our focus groups and interviews.
- Expert site and participant selection to target the broadest sample of end users of specific interest to the client.
- Expert script preparation, detailing the issues required by the client in a manner that encourages �real�, in-depth responses.
- Expert focus group moderation and interview skills that ensure full participation and adherence to the script but also the ability to immediately recognize and explore critical but unanticipated issues.
- With participant permission, documentation of focus groups and interviews to provide our clients with a tool for review and additional study.
- Meticulous analysis of the focus group or interview results, presented in a detailed written report complete with charts and graphics.
- Efficient project turnaround and cost effective pricing to allow even small companies undertake this critical primary research .
Please contact
Suzanne Ratzloff at 216-521-3321 if you would like discuss our focus group or interview capabilities.